농림업분야 개발협력 중점추진분야 선정을 위한 우리나라 비교우위 및 공여 역량 분석
영문 제목
- A Study on the Comparative Advantage and the Capacity of Korean ODA in the Agricultural Sector
- 정기환; 박의정; 전인아; 정동열
- 2018-12-30
- 전 세계 143개국에 달하는 개발도상국은 우리나라가 지난 수십 년의 짧은 기간에 원조를 받는 나라에서 원조를 주는 나라로 탈바꿈한 것을 경이의 눈초리로 쳐다본다. 그들에게 우리의 정책 경험과 인적 자원은 귀중한 벤치마킹의 대상이자 스승이 된다. 물론 각 나라가 가지고 있는 천차만별의 여건과 역사를 무시할 수는 없으며, 우리의 경험 등은 그들이 소화하여 취사 선택하여야 할 사항들이다.
이 보고서는 우리나라의 농림업분야에서 그동안 축적해온 정책 경험과 공여역량을 요약한 것이다. 우리가 내세울만한 비교우위가 있다고 판단한 것들이며, 그만큼 개도국에도 많은 시사점을 줄 수 있는 내용들이다.
Background of the Study
Until the 1970s, Korea suffered from the food shortage because of underdeveloped agricultural technologies. However, Korea achieved rice self sufficiency in 1975 and agricultural productivity has been improved substantially due to the successful investment for food production, infrastructure development, agricultural R&D and extension, and rural community development. Korean case of overcoming food shortage and rural community development must be recognized.
This study reviewed major agricultural and rural development policies & R&D system bringing rice self sufficiency and overcoming rural poverty to find out the successful factors and to suggest future direction of Korean ODA in the agricultural sector.
The study reviewed the major agricultural policies and policy programs, agricultural R&D system, and rural community development since the 1960s. Though the review, the study identified 7 major subjects to be analyzed; rice self-sufficiency, agricultural R&D and extension, farm mechanization, agricultural infrastructure development, livestock development, reforestation and rural community development.
Major Findings
1. Agricultural technologies in Korea has been developed rapidly since the 1960s due to the institutional renovation for R&D and extension. Agricultural policy, R&D and extension, post-harvest technologies in Korea recognized by the international communities as an successful case of food self-sufficiency and therefore the Korean case of food self-sufficiency policy must be recommended to the countries suffering from the food shortage.
2. Agricultural R&D and Extension System of Korea is unique since the result of R&D in the agricultural sector is linked to the farmers field through the agricultural extension services. Agricultural R&D in most developing countries are not linked to agricultural extension service, and therefore, the findings of R&D are not realized immediately at farm fields. Korean R&D and extension system must be efficient not only to the countries suffering from the food shortage, but also to the countries exporting food to the global markets.
3. Farm mechanization in Korea started since the 1970s due to the labor shortage in the farm sector. Even though farm mechanization policy has been started lately, Korean farm mechanization developed rapidly due to the government policy supporting farm machin producing companies and renovating R&D and quality control system. Farm mechanization policy of Korea must be useful in Asia and African countries entering to the stage of farm labor shortage.
4. Agricultural infrastructure development is one of the excellent successful cases of agricultural development in Korea. Without successful infrastructure development, Korean agriculture could not developed so rapidly. Korean government established an institute for conducting agricultural infrastructure development in the early 1970s, and started to develop water resource, construct canal, and land consolidation. Since 1980s, the institute launched an integrated rural development program including water resource development, land consolidation and community development. Korean case of integrated rural development must be useful to the countries in Asia and Africa suffering from water shortage and the lack of infrastructure .
5. Livestock industry in Korea is not developed as much as some livestock developed countries in Europe, America and Australia. However, Korea successfully transferred Korean cattle from farming cattle to producing high quality meat. In this process, Korean livestock sector developed cattle breeding technology by using AI and embryo transferring. Animal quarantine technology is also highly developed to prevent epidemic diseases. Cattle breeding technology and animal quarantine are the important ODA areas that Korean government can provide.
6. Reforestation experience of Korea is valuable lessons for many developing countries in Asia and Africa. In the 1960s, the stand density per ha was 52% in the 1960s, but it has improved up to 96.9% in 2010. This dramatical transferring of stand density in Korea must be unique in the world. Therefore, the reforestation policy of Korea as the best practice of reforestation must be useful for many developing countries in the world.
7. Korea introduced a new rural community development program, the so called Saemaul Undong, and within 10 years of initiation, rural communities have been transferred dramatically due to the successful implementation of Saemaul Undong. By the result, International communities recognized Saemaul Undong as the best practice for rural community development.
Participatory approach of Saemaul Undong is the core factor for bringing success. Even government initiates Saemaul Undong by providing financial subsidy, it only motivate people to participate and to initiate the development project by themselves. Through the participation of community, community people learn community spirits such as self-help and cooperation and self confidence with the "We Can Do Spirits".
Researchers: Chung Kiwhan, Park Euijeong, Jeon Ina, Chung Dongyeol
Research period: 2018. 1. ∼ 2018. 12.
E-mail address: pony@krd.re.kr
- 제1장 주곡(쌀)분야
제2장 농업 기술 개발 및 보급사업
제3장 농기계분야
제4장 농업인프라분야
제5장 축산분야
제6장 조림분야
제7장 지역개발분야
- 한국농촌경제연구원
- 농림업 분야 중점 협력국별 국제개발협력 전략 수립
- 농림업분야 개발협력
발간물 유형
- KREI 보고서
- http://repository.krei.re.kr/handle/2018.oak/23421
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