건강에 대한 관심이 높아지고, 편리성을 추구하는 소비트렌드가 확산됨에 따라 섭취가 용이한 컵과일, 샐러드 등 즉석섭취용 신선편이 과일·채소에 대한 소비자의 관심이 높아지고 있다. 한편, 1인 가구나 맞벌이 가구가 확대되면서 급식/외식에 대한 수요가 증가하는 가운데 최저임금이 가파르게 인상되어 급식/외식업체에서도 조리인력을 고용하는 대신 바로 조리할 수 있도록 처리된 즉석조리용 신선편이 채소 이용이 늘어나고 있다. 이처럼 시장은 빠르게 변화하고 있는 데 반해, 수요자(처)의 특성, 제품을 생산하는 업체, 제품 생산에 사용되는 원물의 생산·조달에 대해서는 알려진 정보가 거의 없는 실정이다. 이는 빠르게 변화하는 신선편이 시장에 대응하여 관련 정책을 설계하고 실행함에 있어 장애요인으로 작용하고 있다.
이 연구는 신선편이 과일·채소를 생산하는 업체들의 실태를 파악하는 것으로부터 시작하였다. 원물의 조달부터 제품의 판매와 경영 전반에 대한 기초정보를 정확하고 심도 있게 생산하기 위해 모든 제조업체를 직접 방문하는 등 ‘발로 뛰는 연구’를 추진하였다. 한편, 가구 내 주구매자와 일반소비자, 급식업체 영양사, 외식업과 식품제조업체 등 다양한 신선편이 과일·채소의 수요자(처)의 특성과 니즈를 파악하여 농업계와 식품산업에 유용한 정보를 제공하고자 하였다.
Research on Fresh-cut Fruits and Vegetables
B2C : Business-to-Consumer
B2B : Business-to-Business
FFV : Fresh-cut fruits and vegetables
FGI : Focus group interviews
DEA : data envelopment analysis
IPA : Importance-performance analysis
CE : choice experiment
WTP : Willingness to pay
KRW : Korean won
OPM : Operating profit margin
HMR : Home meal replacement
Research Background
The demand for Business-to-Consumer (B2C) on fruit and vegetable products that are easy to cook and eat has increased in a variety of dietary areas such as home meals, eating out, and school meals. This trend has resulted from the expansion of single-person households, double-income households, food consumption trends that emphasize convenience, and the growth of the convenience food market. Besides, the steep rise in the minimum wage is a driving factor to boost the Business-to-Business (B2B) demand for fresh-cut fruits and vegetables (FFV) among companies, which deem a financial burden to hire cooking staff under the circumstance of the steady growth in restaurant and school meal businesses.
The FFV are processed products, which have been cleaned, sliced, or prepared. Unlike other processed foods that are not identifiable in their original shapes, FFV are distinguishable. The growth of the FFV market helps to increase agricultural production and contributes to a healthy diet for consumers by allowing consumers’ easy access to fruits and vegetables.
Market research and data collection on the FFV industry should be preceded for policymakers to promote and regulate the food industry, considering the agriculture as an upstream industry and the food processing sectors as a downstream industry in the face of rapid changes and growth in the market. However, social studies have not been performed since Lee Yong sun et al. (2009).
The study explores ways to improve consumer satisfaction and to derive policy and industrial tasks for stable market growth in response to the growth of the FFV market.
Research Methodology
First of all, we reviewed the previous literature to discover research topics, then, collected policy data. Also, we held advisory meetings with policymakers and experts to identify policy changes and challenges in the market.
Various surveys and analyses were carried out for identifying the current state and problems in the FFV market. Notably, our priority was on surveying FFV manufacturing companies. Our research team decided to interview in person, rather than entrusting an external research company for better survey results.
In order to understand the characteristics of FFV demand, we employed surveys and focus group interviews (FGI). Consumer surveys were conducted concerning B2C demand, while regarding B2B demand, survey targets were categorized into three groups for examination, which include catering companies, restaurants, and food manufacturers.
Analysis models used for this study are as follows:
The t-test was used for testing the price differences between fresh products and FFV products. Linear regression analysis and data envelopment analysis (DEA) were applied for identifying the management status of FFV the manufacturers. Importance-performance analysis (IPA) and Best-Worst Choice Experiment (CE) were used for the evaluation of FFV product attributes by consumers. CE and mixed logit analysis were applied for the estimation of Willingness to Pay (WTP) for FFV attributes.
Commissioned studies were conducted by several professors for the examination of the FFV market status and policies of major overseas countries. Dr. Shin Dong-cheol, a professor at the University of Hokkaido, and Dr. Sang-Hyeon Lee, a professor at Kangwon National University, previously participated in the case of Japan and the US/Europe, respectively.
Dr. Kim Ji-kang, who works in the postharvest research division of the National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science, also participated and derived implications in understanding the current state of processing technology and food safety management for production.
(The rest is omitted. See the attached file for details.)
Researchers: Kim Sanghyo, Lee Kyei-im, Heo Seongyoon, Lee Wookjik
Research period: 2019. 1. ~ 2019. 10.
E-mail address: skim@krei.re.kr
제1장 서 론
제2장 신선편이 과일·채소 시장 현황
제3장 신선편이 과일·채소 제조업의 생산 현황과 문제점
제4장 신선편이 과일·채소 수요처별 소비행태 분석
제5장 주요국의 동향과 시사점
제6장 신선편이 과일·채소 시장 전망과 대응과제