2017년 새 정부 수립과 함께 지역 단위 푸드플랜 수립이 주요 국정과제로 포함되었다. 정부는 지역 푸드플랜을 통해 경제, 사회, 환경 측면에서 지역이 직면한 다양한 문제를 해결하고자 한다. 공공급식 기관·시설의 급식이 국민 식생활에서 차지하는 중요성과 식재료 이용 규모가 상당하여 농식품 산업 및 경제 전반에 미치는 영향이 크다. 이에 따라 공공급식에 지역 푸드시스템에 기반한 식재료 공급을 확대하는 정책 대응을 통해 지역 푸드플랜에서 제시하는 다양한 정책 목표와 지역이 당면한 문제들을 해결하고자 하는 중앙정부 및 지방자치단체의 일련의 정책적 노력이 이어지고 있다.
그러나 기존에 급식에 대한 관심은 주로 학교급식에 집중되었으며, 여타의 공공급식에 대한 관심이 비교적 최근 증가하면서, 공공급식 및 공공급식 식재료 관련한 현황과 실태가 제대로 파악되고 있지 못하고, 공공급식에 관한 정책적 개념 정립이 제대로 이루어지지 않으면서, 관련 정책·사업의 일관된 추진을 어렵게 하고 있다. 또한 공공급식을 둘러싼 요인들을 다각적으로 감안한 중장기적 대응이 이루어지고 있지 못하다.
이 연구는 지역 푸드시스템을 기반으로 공공급식에 양질의 식재료를 안정적·체계적으로 공급하기 위한 개선과제를 도출하는 것을 목적으로 추진되었다. Research Background
The government is building a food supply system and expanding local food supply through the system, which aims to provide the right quality food materials for public meal services and support local producers. For achieving the goal requested by the nation, communities, and people, it is necessary to examine current policies and enforcement thereof about public meal services and food for the public meal services and establish strategies for the stable supply of safe food of high quality to the public meal services. Moreover, it is necessary to implement the purpose in the mid- and long-term perspective in consideration of various conditions and environmental changes surrounding the meal services in the future. This study intends to suggest the improvement measures for stably and systematically supplying food of high quality to the public meal services based on the local food systems.
Research Methodology
We collected and examined data and interviewed related stakeholders, for example, the central and local governments to examine the concept of public meal services, the policy enforcement system for the public meal services by the government, current public meal services, and operation. We interviewed private food suppliers, local public meal service support centers. We conducted surveys and in-depth interviews to examine current and exemplary public meal services and food supply for catering services. Then, we set up measures for supplying food for public meal services.
We conducted surveys with questionnaires targeting people working for childcare centers, kindergartens, and social-welfare facilities. The surveys aimed to examine current public meal services and the use of food materials by the major public meal service providers to draw implications for improving food supply to meal services.
We collected and examined documents and data about current public meal services and food supply in other countries. We went on a business trip to European countries, including the UK, Finland, and Denmark, to examine specific and exemplary cases about their public meal services and food supply. Furthermore, we held conferences with experts and conducted in-depth interviews to set up measures for improving public meal services.
The promotion of the projects for improving food material supply for public meal services requires the following: ① stick to the balanced viewpoint for the public meal services; ② approach the policy in consideration of the needs for served people and mid-/ long-term demand changes; and ③ implement the measures along with effective enforcement of the policy through connection and cooperation. For improving food supply for public meal services based on the requirements described above, ① establish systematic and differentiated strategies; ② support efficient supply and quality improvement activities for food materials; and ③ build a basis for voluntary practice.
First, it is necessary to establish mid- and long-term strategies based on the estimates of demands for public meal services in consideration of demographic changes to establish systematic and differentiated strategies. Moreover, it is necessary to determine policy beneficiaries and priorities for public meal service and food supply policies and measures in consideration of government support, beneficiary types (vulnerable people), available periods of supplied food, facility (catering service) scale, the type of food and menus, authority and facility locations.
Second, it is necessary to ① support operators of public meal service support centers; ② establish support means for efficient supply of food materials; ③ build a platform for vitalizing connection with communities; and ④ build a basis for processing and developing food materials to implement efficient supply and to improve the quality of food materials.
Third, it is necessary to build a basis for the voluntary practice of stakeholders to continue to enforce the policy for public meal services. Our recommendation is to introduce a program to certificate catering businesses that use quality food to create demands by encouraging public meal service providers and businesses to use right food materials, for example, those locally produced and environment-friendly. Moreover, it is necessary to create and provide food purchase guidelines, including essential elements considered for the supply and purchase of food materials and various values reflected in the process of supplying and purchasing food materials by public meal service providers, businesses and private suppliers. Also, it is necessary to create various training programs to enhance recognition, understanding and practices about public meal services for each subject.
Researchers: Hwang Yunjae, Hong Yeona, Park Sihyun, Choi Junyoung
Research period: 2019. 1. ~ 2019. 10.
E-mail address: yjhwang@krei.re.kr
제1장 서론
제2장 공공급식 개념과 추진 실태
제3장 공공급식 식재료 공급 실태와 체계
제4장 급식기관 급식 및 식재료 이용 실태
제5장 해외 주요국 공공급식과 식재료 공급 실태
제6장 공공급식 식재료 공급 개선을 위한 과제