Korea Rural Economic Institue

저밀도 경제 기반의 농촌산업 활성화 방안

영문 제목
Measures to Promote Rural Industries Based on Low-density Economies
정도채;  정유리;  김정승;  김유나
OECD는 ‘저밀도 경제(Low-density economy)’논의와 사례 연구를 통해, 낙후된 농촌지역에서도 지역 특성에 부합하는 전문화된 산업 육성으로 지역 발전과 국가 경제 성장에 기여할 수 있음을 강조하고 있다. 농촌정책의 초점 또한 농업·농촌의 다양한 자원을 활용하여 저밀도 경제 지역의 장기적 성장을 지원하는 방향으로 진화할 필요가 있음을 역설한다.

OECD 저밀도 경제 논의에 비추어 우리나라 농촌에서 산업이 성장·진화하는 과정을 살펴보고, 지속가능한 농촌 발전을 추동할 수 있는 농촌산업 육성 방안과 정책 과제를 제시하는 연구를 마련하였다.

본 연구에서는 OECD 저밀도 경제 성장 사례처럼, 우리나라 농촌에서 다양한 산업이 출현하고 지역 산업구조가 진화하는 과정을 확인하였다. 농촌에 입지한 기업들이 여전히 불리한 지역의 여건을 극복하는 과정을 정리하고, 전문가들의 정책 수요를 파악하여 현재 농촌산업정책의 개선 과제를 제시하였다.

Research Background
According to discussion of the low-density economy in OECD industrial growth in remote area including rural region have played a central role in its member nations’ recovery from the financial crisis in the mid-2000s. Case studies about economic growth in low-density economy region show that rural or remote areas with weak industrial bases could contribute to national industrial development due to the emergence of new industries and growth potential. The OECD insists that rural industrial policies should be shifted from the current focus on primary industries to promoting various region based industries with competitive advantage. The organization suggests four strategies to overcome unfavorable industrial conditions in low-density areas: securing tradable activities, building urban-rural partnerships, linkages related policies, and establishing multi-layer governance.
Based on OECD’s the low-density economy this study examines the emergence of rural industries and their growth, and cases about growth in low-density areas in Korea. Also, the authors suggest rural industrial policy directions and measures to overcome unfavorable industrial conditions and to pursue sustainable growth under the nation’s strategy to promote rural industries.
The authors summarize the essential contents of low-density economy and identify implications for Korean rural industrial policy. We diagnose the growth trend of various industries in rural area. Under the view of low-density economy we identified characteristics of industrial growth process by case studies.
We carry out an analysis of outcomes and limitations of previous policies for rural industry. We investigate characteristics and policy demand of firms which are located and produce in low-density area. Then, the authors draw out policy directions and tasks for the industrial growth in low-density area.

Research Methodology
The authors implement previous research review, analysis with statistical data, survey, and in-depth interviews. Also, we use two reports by outside experts.
First of all, we review previous literature about direction of new rural industrial policy, significance of low-density economy, and rural and regional industrial policies related to low-density economy. Previous researches are about the concept and characteristics of OECD low-density economy, and Rural Policy 3.0.
The raw data in National Statistical Office’s census of corporations from 2007 to 2016 are used to estimate change rate of the number of firms and employees by subcategories of industry and district units(Eup, Myeon, and Dong). We employ spatial analysis method to find growing regions according to low-density economy by major industrial sectors with the same data set.
A survey is conducted on 218 companies located in key case areas to identify spatial characteristics on location decision, functional connectivity, and cooperation networks concerning low density economic growth. The types of low-density economies are categorized into the areas linked to cities (Chuncheon and Hongcheon, near Gangneung-si, and northern Gyeongsangbuk-do) and remote rural areas (eastern Jeollabuk-do and inland areas of Gangwon-do). We conduct social networking analysis to examine locality of the network and spatial characteristic on urban-rural partnerships by using network between firms in survey.
In order to understand the growth paths and characteristics of major cases concerning low-density economy, in-depth interview is conducted on experts in each case. Furthermore, interviews of experts on regional industry policy are carried out to investigate demand on rural industrial policy.

The characteristics of low-density economy in Korea are as follows. the low-density economy in Korea shows a similar growth path as cases in the OECD. Compared with the urban area, total production in low-density economy area have increased more. Low-density economic growth is occurring in various areas. Previously, there are conventional rural industries, such as agriculture and food manufacturing in rural area. However, agglomeration of industrial sectors requiring high technologies appears in rural area. This implies that Korea’s rural regions have the potential to be an engine for national prosperity.

(The rest is omitted. See the attached file for details.)

Researchers: Chung Dochai, Jeong Yuri, Kim Jeongseung, Kim Yuna
Research period: 2019. 1. ~ 2019. 10.
E-mail address: dcchung@krei.re.kr
제1장 서론
제2장 저밀도 경제 특성과 농촌산업정책 시사점
제3장 우리나라 저밀도 경제 현황 및 특성
제4장 국내 저밀도 경제 성장 사례 및 특성
제5장 저밀도 경제 활성화를 위한 정책 현황 및 수요
제6장 저밀도 경제 활성화를 위한 농촌산업정책 방향과 과제
제7장 요약 및 결론
저밀도 경제 기반의 농촌산업 활성화 방안
저밀도 경제; 농촌산업
발간물 유형
KREI 보고서
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