Korea Rural Economic Institue

농업 혁신성장을 위한 농업기술 및 혁신성과 확산체계 개선 방안 (2/2차년도)

영문 제목
Ways to Spread Agricultural Technologies and Innovative Outcomes for the Growth of the Agricultural Sector (Year 2 of 2)
박지연;  이명기;  허덕;  이정민;  김부영
정부는 4차산업혁명 시대를 맞이하여 데이터 경제 활성화를 통한 혁신성장을 핵심과제로 추진하고 있으며, 축산 분야에서는 정보통신기술(ICT) 시설의 집중보급을 통해 가축 분뇨 및 방역문제를 체계적으로 관리하여 축산업 생산성과 경쟁력 향상을 유도해왔으나 현장의 스마트팜 활용 수준은 단순 자동화에서 크게 벗어나지 못하고 있어 그 성과가 미흡하다는 평가가 있다.

이러한 점을 극복하고 기술혁신을 통한 축산업 경쟁력 강화를 위해서는 우선 기존 축산기술 및 혁신성과 확산체계 실태 속 전통적 확산체계의 한계를 진단하고, 데이터 기반 축산기술 및 혁신성과 확산체계 도입 방안을 강구할 필요가 있다.

이 연구는 축산기술 및 혁신성과 확산체계 현황을 제시하고, 축산업의 혁신성장을 위한 확산체계 개선 방향과 방안을 제시하고자 한다.

Background and Purpose
The government implements policies centered on smart farming and data utilization, but the outcome is not significant. Livestock farmers are more eager to apply smart technologies than crop farmers. However, intelligent technologies used in the field are limited to simple automation skills, although smart farming is meant to increase productivity through data-based agriculture. Besides, livestock technologies and innovation efforts fail to go beyond the existing linear and unilateral model.

Our first-year research suggested policy directions and measures to improve the transfer system for technologies and innovation outcomes. However, it was limited to “improving” the existing transfer system, focused on crop farming’s transfer system. However, livestock farming is significantly different from crop farming and requires a different approach. Therefore, it is time to introduce new ways to introduce data-based livestock technologies and a transfer system for technologies amid the emergence of the data-based economy and the need for innovative growth in livestock farming.

Against this backdrop, the second-year study focuses on livestock farming’s data-based technologies and ways to transfer those smart technologies and innovation results to achieve remarkable growth in livestock farming (Korean beef and pork) amid the 4th industrial revolution. In other words, this research intends to diagnose the current state of data-based technologies and the technology transfer system for innovative growth in livestock farming. Based on the diagnosis, we want to suggest policy tasks and improvement measures.

Research Methodology
For this research, we used various methods, including literature reviews, in-depth interviews, surveys, quantitative analysis, collaborative research, and commissioned manuscripts. Regarding the current state of transferring livestock technologies and innovation results, we used the interviews of related entities (public organizations, producers’ organizations, farmers, etc.), literature reviews, and reports commissioned to Professor Seo Kang-seok, Sunchon National University. Concerning the analysis of concepts and policies related to data-based livestock technologies and innovation result transfer, we review local and overseas research papers. The analysis of ICT device utilization and the state of data production, collection, and use was made through farmers’ surveys and quantitative analysis. Regarding data platforms, we conducted in-depth interviews (public organizations, producers’ groups, farmers, etc.), case studies, and literature reviews. For the case inspection of data platforms at home and overseas, we commissioned Lee Byeong-seok (Korea Pork Producers Association) and Lee Kang-hoon (Infovally Korea). Lastly, we held discussions based on our research results and identified measures to introduce data-based livestock technologies and ways to transfer technologies and innovation outcomes.

(For more information, please refer to the report.)

Researchers: Park Jiyun, Huh Duk, Lee Myoungki, Lee Jungmin, Kim Booyoung
Research period: 2020. 1. ~ 2020. 12.
E-mail address: jiyunpark@krei.re.kr
제1장 서론
제2장 축산기술 및 혁신성과 확산체계의 한계와 데이터 기반 축산기술 및 혁신성과 확산체계 도입의 필요성
제3장 데이터 기반 축산기술 및 혁신성과 확산체계의 개념과 관련 정책
제4장 데이터 기반 축산기술 및 혁신성과 확산체계 현황
제5장 국내외 데이터 기반 축산기술 및 혁신성과 확산사례
제6장 데이터 기반 축산기술 및 혁신성과 확산체계 도입 방안
농업 혁신성장을 위한 농업기술 및 혁신성과 확산체계 개선방안(2의2차년도)
혁신성장; 농업기술
발간물 유형
KREI 보고서
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