Korea Rural Economic Institue

농촌의 창업 활동 특성과 성장 요인 연구

영문 제목
Characteristics and Growth Factors of Start-ups in Rural Areas
정도채;  김용렬;  서형주;  김정승;  정유리
이 연구는 농촌 창업 경영체의 실태와 애로 사항을 파악하고 창업 경영체들의 안정적 성장을 위한 과제를 도출하기 위해 추진되었다. 이를 위해 농촌 창업 경영체들의 현황과 성장 요인을 진단하고, 경영체 및 전문가들의 지원 수요를 조사하여 농촌 창업 활성화 정책의 추진 방안과 과제를 제시하고자 했다.

Background and Purpose
○ Recently, start-up policies have emphasized the establishment of a start-up ecosystem in common. The start-up ecosystem is defined as a system in which start-up management, institutions supporting start-ups, and investors are organically connected to each other and continuously vitalize start-ups. The start-up ecosystem includes various environment and principal elements in the region where start-ups appear, such as research and development, finance, human resources and entrepreneurship, and affects the survival and growth of start-up firms. It is necessary to evaluate policies or projects supporting rural start-ups and draw up improvement tasks from the perspective of establishing an ecosystem for start-ups.

○ The study aims to investigate the post-starting growth process and analyze the factors affecting the survival and performance of the start-ups in rural areas. We propose strategies and policy improvement tasks to promote rural start-ups based on the growth path and performance by firm type.

Research Methodology
○ We conducted statistical data analysis, quantitative analysis, literature reviews, questionnaire surveys, and in-depth interviews. The overall changes in rural start-ups were examined through raw data from the census of businesses. The current status, survival or closure, and growth characteristics of the business entities started in rural areas were identified by utilizing the corporate database held by Korea Enterprise Data Co., Ltd. Survival and growth factor analysis methods were applied to derive the factors based on corporate DB data. We surveyed 200 firms to identify the characteristics of production activities and the demand for policies. We conducted in-depth interviews with major companies to recognize the characteristics of the growth path of rural start-ups. We interviewed persons in charge of major start-up support agencies and experts related to rural industries to derive policy directions and tasks.

(For more information, please refer to the report.)
제1장 서론
제2장 창업 생태계 특성과 농촌 창업 생태계
제3장 농촌 창업 활동 현황과 특징
제4장 농촌 창업 경영체의 특성과 사례
제5장 농촌 창업 정책 추진 현황 및 개선 방안
제6장 농촌 창업 활성화를 위한 정책 방향 및 과제
농촌의 창업 활동 특성과 성장 요인 연구
농촌 창업
발간물 유형
KREI 보고서
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