Korea Rural Economic Institue

Policy Tasks for Expand and Stabilize Agricultural Jobs for an Inclusive Society(Year 3 of 3) (영문요약본)

영문 제목
Policy Tasks for Expand and Stabilize Agricultural Jobs for an Inclusive Society(Year 3 of 3)
엄진영;  박기환;  윤종열;  전무경;  황영덕
이 보고서는 2023년 일반과제인 「포용사회를 위한 농업부문 일자리 확장 및 안정화 방안(3/3차년도)」를 요약하여 ChatGPT로 번역한 보고서이다.

한글 전체보고서는 전체보고서(바로가기)에서 이용할 수 있다.

○ This three-year study aims to suggest ways to expand and stabilize agricultural jobs under the government’s policy stance of an ‘innovative inclusive national job policy’ and ‘creating a stable and sustainable working environment.’ The specific annual research purposes are as follows:
-The first year of the study focused on presenting measures to expand agricultural jobs, such as the inflow of new personnel, development of innovative human resources, promotion of innovative start-ups (starting farms), and support of customized jobs for young people and (new) middle-aged individuals. In particular, it proposes measures to attract new human resources, analyses, the possibility of new jobs appearing in the agricultural sector, and policies necessary for the inflow of new human resources.
-In the second year, the focus was on strengthening the job safety net and improving the working environment as measures of job stabilization. Specifically, plans were presented to help agricultural personnel entering agriculture settle down stably and sustainably by analyzing the actual conditions of the agricultural working environment and suggesting improvement directions.
-In the third year of the study, an agricultural job policy system will be established by presenting a comprehensive plan for agricultural job expansion and stabilization and a support system that can efficiently promote it.

(For more information, please refer to the report.)
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Changes in the Structure and Characteristics of Agricultural Jobs
Chapter 3. Exploration of Job-Related Laws and Policy Changes
Chapter 4. Expansion of Agricultural Jobs and Working Environment Conditions and Challenges
Chapter 5. Expansion and Stabilization Plan for Agricultural Jobs

Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Changes in the Structure and Characteristics of Agricultural Jobs
Chapter 3. Exploration of Job-Related Laws and Policy Changes
Chapter 4. Expansion of Agricultural Jobs and Working Environment Conditions and Challenges
Chapter 5. Expansion and Stabilization Plan for Agricultural Jobs
포용사회를 위한 농업부문 일자리 확장 및 안정화 방안(3의3차년도)
발간물 유형
KREI 보고서
보고서 번호
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