1. 머리말
2. 채소경영의 위험 요소와 대응 형태
3. 채소 재배면적의 변동 요인
4. 위험 대응과 채소 재배면적의 관계
5. 요약 및 결론 Vegetable farming has the feature of wide decision making scope : what kind
of vegetable to choose, when to harvest and how to sell etc, and there are many
risk factors such as price fluctuation and natural disaster in vegetable
farming. Thus Farm income depends on the farmer's attitudes toward risk and
uncertainty and how to make decision about them. So risk management plays an
important role in earning farm income for farmers.
This study focuses on finding out risk elements in vegetable farming and
searching the methods to manage them. To find out relationship between planted
area variations, which are the result of corresponding to risks, and risk
factors in vegetable farming and to measure briefly the influence of the risk
factors on the planted area variations are also the purposes of this