세계 산림자원 변화와 한국의 국제산림협력 방향

영문 제목
Strategies of International Forestry Cooperation in Accordance with the Changes in World Forest Resources
ABSTRACTThe purpose of this paper is to try to find out the improvement of international forest cooperation project of Korea through the analysis of global forest resource change and the international forest cooperation system between developed and developing countries in world. The main concerns of international forestry is focused to the tropical forest in world, and the bilateral cooperation system is preferred by donor countries. In this paper, it is analyzed the international forest cooperation system of 4 countries ―Indonesia, US, Japan, German. To increase the efficiency of forest cooperation with the developing countries, the followings are recommended to Korea: first, the formation of data and information on tropical forest, second, the improvement of cooperation with UN, third, the allocation of 1 % of ODA amount for forest projects, fourth, the expansion of project fields, project countries by small amount project, fifth, the introduction of pre feasibility study before main project, sixth, the division of grant and loan project and the increasement of cooperation project to LDCs, finally, the assignment of inter-government agency to increase the cooperation for international forest project.
ABSTRACTThe purpose of this paper is to try to find out the improvement of international forest cooperation project of Korea through the analysis of global forest resource change and the international forest cooperation system between developed and developing countries in world. The main concerns of international forestry is focused to the tropical forest in world, and the bilateral cooperation system is preferred by donor countries. In this paper, it is analyzed the international forest cooperation system of 4 countries ―Indonesia, US, Japan, German. To increase the efficiency of forest cooperation with the developing countries, the followings are recommended to Korea: first, the formation of data and information on tropical forest, second, the improvement of cooperation with UN, third, the allocation of 1 % of ODA amount for forest projects, fourth, the expansion of project fields, project countries by small amount project, fifth, the introduction of pre feasibility study before main project, sixth, the division of grant and loan project and the increasement of cooperation project to LDCs, finally, the assignment of inter-government agency to increase the cooperation for international forest project.
1. 서 론2. 국제산림협력 및 국제기구의 변화3. 산림자원의 변화4. 한국의 국제산림협력 현실과 방향5. 요약 및 결론
page. 101 - 119
산림; 국제 협력; 정부개발원조; 대한민국; 한국국제협력단; forest; international cooperation; ODA; Rep. of Korea; KOICA
발간물 유형
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학술지 논문 > 농촌경제 / JRD
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세계 산림자원 변화와 한국의 국제산림협력 방향.pdf (315.5 kB) Download

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