Korea Rural Economic Institue

농업부문 국별협력전략(CPS) 수립

이대섭;  허장;  김홍상;  정승은;  홍정원
본 연구는 중점협력 8개국을 대상으로 수혜국 중장기 농업부문 및 국가개발전략을 심층 분석하여 개발수요와 수요별 우선순위를 파악하고, 우리나라의 비교우위분야를 고려한 농업·농촌부문 중점지원 분야를 선정하여 농림수산식품부에서 추진하고 있는 국제농업협력사업을 효과적으로 수행하기 위한 목적으로 수행 되었다.
대상국 선정을 위해 평가요소는 수원수요, 발전가능성, 양자관계, 원조의 일관성으로 분류하고, 요소별로 일반수요 및 농업부문으로 세분화하여 지표를 설정, 일반 및 농업부문에 가중치를 부여, 계량화된 점수에 따라 ‘11년 총리실 CPS 수립 국가 중 CPSA 수립 국가를 우선 선정하였다. 선정된 8개국을 대상으로 국가 일반 현황, 경제 현황, ODA 수원 현황, 중장기 개발전략, 농업 현황, 중장기 농업·농촌부문 개발전략 등을 분석하여 각국의 농업·농촌부문의 이슈와 문제점 및 우리나라 비교우의분야를 파악하여 국별 중점협력분야를 제안하였다.

The purpose of this study was to establish Country Partnership Strategy in agriculture(CPSA) for the 8 selected focal countries related to their long- and mid-term national development strategies. Regarding the establishment of CPSA, major areas that Korea has comparative advantage and the countries' development strategies are analyzed. Based on the analysis, specific areas that could play leverage roles are proposed to support their nation's development plans and coordinations. In the selection of the focal countries, factors that consider in the study are ODA demand, possibility of development, the country's economic and political relations with Korea, ODA consistency, and other poverty related elements.
The areas of Korean comparative advantage in ODA might be related to software fields rather than hardware fields such as technology transfer, knowledge and experience sharing, consultation for policy making, particular capacity building in the value chain of agricultural commodities, comprehensive rural development strategy, and also commercialization for particular products that has been staple food in the country.
Issues and problems in Philippines agriculture and rural sectors include high cost of agricultural inputs, inefficient supply chain and logistics systems, inadequate provision of irrigation, low rate of adoption of technologies, limited access to formal credit and financing for farmers, climate change and environmental degradation, weak agricultural extension service, contradictory rice policy, incomplete implementation of land reforms, and low competitiveness in the global markets. Thus, regarding these issues considering Korean budget limitation as well as comparative advantage for efficient project implementation, postharvest technology and management system, input production system, and extension service system are proposed as the first priority.
Cambodian problems are severe rural poverty, low productivity, lack of postharvest management skills, low accessibility to the markets, and weak of commercialization for agricultural commodities, and the absence of value-added technology. Based on the analysis in the study, comprehensive rural development including vocational education programs and other agricultural related training programs, rice industry support project, and human capacity building projects are proposed.
Vietnamese issues in agricultural and rural sectors are a decrease in agricultural income, lack of agricultural experts, lack of postharvest management skills, lack of basic infrastructure for value-added products, low level of the recognition for food safety and high quality, and low educational and technical level of agricultural labors. Based on the analysis in the study, technical support and joint research projects related to major agricultural commodities and technology transfer system are proposed.
Indonesian issues include lack of production infrastructure for the staple food, rice, low quality of postharvest management skills and technology, inadequate agricultural marketing system, low income stability, land reform policy, human capacity building in agriculture, and inefficient agricultural resource use. Regarding the issues mentioned above, the proposed focal areas are agricultural infrastructure and postharvest management technology for the staple food, joint research implementation with Korea for tropical horticulture products, green and climate change technology transfer, and consultation for the land reform policy.
Ghanaian agriculture and rural sectors have various issues and problems such as, low education level of agricultural labors, lack of technical information in rural areas, absence of sustainable resource management and irrigation system, lack of agricultural value chain management system, low productivity, unstable income in rural area, absence of agricultural financial service, and low level of capacity building system. Therefore, the first priority should be establishment of educational and technical transfer system, comprehensive rural development project, and construction of small-scale irrigation system.
Ethiopian issues include inefficient use of rice water resource, lack of agricultural experts, low productivity, absence of off-farm income sources, lack of domestically produced inputs and materials, absence of technology distribution and extension systems, inefficient marketing channel for livestock products, and lack of human capacity building programs. Regarding these problematic issues, the proposed focal areas that Korea should consider at the first should be construction of small-scall irrigation system, establishment of technology transfer system, and improvement of production and marketing systems for the livestock industry.
Agriculture and rural areas in DR Congo have serious issues and problems. These include severe desertification of arable land, absence of seeds supply channel, absence of production infrastructure system, absence of postharvest management system and marketing channel, absence of agricultural value chain, absence of irrigation system, lack of agricultural experts, and absence of agricultural markets. In short, the agricultural industry in DR Congo does not exist. Nonetheless, the first priority to leverage DR Congo's agriculture and rural areas should include implementation of comprehensive rural development project including vacational training programs and basic agricultural production skills, establishment of technology transfer system, and construction of small-scale farmers markets.
Mongolian issues are inappropriate climate conditions for agricultural production activities, small production of crops and horticultural commodities, inefficient livestock infrastructure and technology, small number of agricultural labors, and low level of postharvest technology. Based on the reviews of the issues, the focal areas should consider establishment of a system for safe livestock commodity and transfer for horticultural production technology and facilities.
Above all, for the effective assistance, there are two practical suggestions of implementation methods from the study. First, considering sustainability and effectiveness of any ODA project in the field of agriculture and rural sectors, agency should select a certain region and then implement comprehensive assistant project in the region continuously. Second, agency should develop a project that can be widespread throughout the country as a representation of Korea ODA direction in agriculture and rural sectors. However, given the Korean ODA budget circumstances, the first suggestion might be more suitable for the future.

Researchers: Dae-Seob Lee, Jang Heo, Hong-Sang Kim, Seung-Eun Jeong, and Jeong-Won Hong
Research period: 2011. 4. - 2011. 12.
E-mail address: ldaeseob@krei.re.kr
제1장 서론
제2장 몽골
제3장 베트남
제4장 인도네시아
제5장 캄보디아
제6장 필리핀
제7장 가나
제8장 에티오피아
제9장 콩고민주공화국
제10장 농업·농촌부문 국제협력 포괄적 지원체계
제11장 요약 및 결언
국별협력전략(CPS) 수립 및 국제농업협력사업 평가
발간물 유형
KREI 보고서
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