농촌지역 거의 모든 마을의 중심에 자리잡고 있는 마을회관은 1970년대 초 새마을운동 추진을 위한 주민회의 공간으로 건립되기 시작하였다. 그 후 40여년이 지난 현재까지 마을회관은 농촌주민들에게 공동체 활동 공간이면서 휴식처로, 소통의 장으로 활용되고 있는 가장 중요한 공동시설이다.
농촌지역은 인구가 지속적으로 감소하고 있는 가운데, 고령화율은 도시에 비해 훨씬 더 빠른 속도로 증가하고 있다. 이같은 환경변화는 마을회관의 기능과 이용자층의 변화로 이어져 주민들의 커뮤니티 공간으로서의 기능은 약해지고 노인 중심으로 경로당화 되어가는 경향을 보이고 있다. 하지만 이러한 변화를 긍정적으로 수용할 운영프로그램과 관련 정책 및 제도는 미흡한 실정이다.
농촌주민들의 중요한 공동시설인 마을회관의 관리와 운영 실태를 파악하여 마을회관이 농촌사회의 복합문화공간으로서 제 기능을 다 할 수 있도록 지원체계 정비와 기능을 정립하는 계기가 필요하다. 더 나아가 다문화가정과 귀농귀촌 인구 증가 등 최근의 변화를 반영하여 중장기적이고 미래지향적인 관점에서 마을회관의 다각적인 활용방안을 검토할 시점이다.
이 연구는 농촌지역 마을회관 이용 실태를 전반적으로 조사하고 이를 토대로 활성화 방안을 제시하기 위해 수행되었다.
The community centers were established in the same shape as the present one in every town nationwide led by the government to promote the Saemaul Movement in the early 1970s. Since then, after about 40 years, there were large changes in the name and functions of the community center along with the changes in rural population and environment. But it is still used as the most important community facility in town.
Recently, as the population in rural areas has been reduced continuously and as the aging of population progressed faster than in cities, the central functions and users of the community center are changing, but its operational program and related policies and system to accept positively the changes of the community center are insufficient. This study was implemented for the purpose of suggesting a vitalization plan through research about the overall use of the community center. For the analysis on the use of the community center, we surveyed rural residents by mail for one month in June 2012 and analyzed 625 valid questionnaires to understand the factors that contribute to the users' satisfaction level.
According to the research results, 85.5% of the towns use the facility in multiple ways as a community center and a senior citizens center. Also, as operation programs and policy supports are made focusing on elders, the function as a community space for residents has been weakened and the trend that the community hall gradually becomes a senior citizens center is vivid. The use ratio of the community center is 85.6% but when considering only the original purpose of the community center, more than 3 of 10 are in idleness. Therefore, multiple use plans should be prepared.
The elders and housewives are the main users of the community center and in 82.3% of the towns, meals are served mostly for them. The most necessary parts in providing the meals are costs and manpower. Since the public services and facilities provided to the community center are mostly for elders, there is a limitation in using the facility as a multi-purpose community center where every resident participates. It is also investigated that 6 of 10 towns have conflicts related to the management of the community center. In the survey, 82.6% of the respondents said that the community center is the only community facility and 88.8% responded that the community center is very important in town.
Accordingly, it is needed to establish the function of the community center and prepare a vitalization plan with a futuristic viewpoint reflecting the changes in rural areas. In addition, since there is no clear entity to supervise the community center administratively, a policy support system for the community center should be established. Along with these, it is needed to develop a managing and operation model for the community center to provide customized services in consideration of population, distance from downtown, and cultural environment.
Researchers: Dong-Weon Kim, Byoung-Hoon Lee, Kwang-Sun Kim, Hye-Jin Park
Research period: 2012.4 ~ 2012. 7
E-mail address: dongweon@krei.re.kr
제1장. 서론
제2장. 농촌 마을회관 개념과 현황
제3장. 농촌 주민의 마을회관 이용 실태
제4장. 마을회관 이용 활성화 방안
제5장. 요약 및 결론