Korea Rural Economic Institue

식품소비행태조사 기초연구: 조사항목 및 조사방법을 중심으로

영문 제목
A base study on developing the Consumer Behavior Survey for Food
이계임;  황윤재;  김동원;  반현정;  박인호
2000년대 후반에 식품소비 통계조사 관련 규정이 법률에 명시되었으나, 식품소비 관련 정부승인통계는 지출액 조사 이외에는 매우 미흡한 수준으로 식품소비행태 전반을 대상으로 추진되지 못하고 있다. 대상 식품의 분류와 조사항목도 최근 빠르게 변화하는 소비자의 식품소비 트렌드를 파악하기에 크게 불충분하다. 사회적 여건 변화에 대응하여 식품소비행태를 구체적으로 파악하고, 동태적 분석을 통해 생산 및 정책 개발 시 유용한 분석기반으로 활용하기 위해서는 대표성 있는 식품소비조사 표본을 구축하여 주기적으로 식품소비행태에 대한 조사·분석이 필요한 시점이다.

이 연구는 한국농촌경제연구원에서 2013년도부터 시행될 식품소비행태조사 사업의 효율적 운영을 위해 조사문항 및 조사방법 등에 대해 사전적으로 검토하고, 조사추진계획을 수립하고자 추진되었다. 식품소비행태 조사항목과 조사방법이 다각적인 검토를 통해 확정되었으며, 식품소비행태조사의 기본 추진계획이 제시되었다.

Background of Research
To read a fast changing food consumption behavior trend, laws on statistical food consumption researches were enacted in the late 2000s, but in practice, the government approved statistical researches on food consumption have been mainly conducted around food expense survey, while other statistical researches to figure out the overall food consumption behaviors remain insufficient.
General understanding of food consumption behaviors and the practical application of the knowledge to food production and policy making are conditional on regular research using representative samples.

Method of Research
Food consumption survey in order to identify the status of the relevant literature review, and domestic, international relevant institutions collected data were examined. To examine the food consumption survey methods, analysis of the model, research questions, such as expert meetings were held on 9th. Want to access the food consumption from the perspective of various disciplines to the field of Marketing, consumer economics, sample design experts, the manuscript was commissioned. An food expert survey was conducted with respect to survey questionnaire and survey methods. Consumer survey conducted the preliminary investigation to configure the optimal survey.

Research Results and Implications
The objective of the survey on food consumption behavior is providing the data necessary to strengthen the competitiveness of agriculture as a food supplying industry and make more consumers satisfied with their food consumption. The scope of the research represents the up-to-date food consumption trend, the research adopts various investigation and analytical methods to identify consumer needs and uses the reliable statistical survey system. Survey results is also the applicable to as many occasions as possible.
The survey questions were designed to figure out latest food consumption trend and mainly deal with consumer perception toward daily diet, food purchase and consumption practices, consumer attributes, eating-out behaviors, satisfaction level for current diet, dietary education, and key policy issues. The survey is divided into a household section and an individual section.
As sampling method, the repeated survey method is concluded as the most appropriate. For sampling, the 2010 census data will be referenced to select key regions as sample areas and be applied with the multi-stage sampling method. Annual survey of 3,000 households and their members by Face-to-face survey.
The research results will be validated statistical data before writing a basic analytical report and applied with various statistics analytical methods and consumption models to produce in-depth reports every three to five years. An academic convention will be held for the purpose of improving the reliability of and promoting food consumption behavior research.
To be complemented by quantitative researches, it was suggested to organize the 'Trend Monitor' Group and the 'Trend Advisory' Group.
The research on food consumption behavior is expected to provide basic data for food policy making of the government and the market analysis.

Researcher(s): Kyei-Im Lee, Yun-Jae Hwang, Dong-Weon Kim, Hyun-Jung Ban, In-Ho Park
Research Period: 2012. 8. ∼ 2013. 3.
E-mail address: lkilki@krei.re.kr
제1장 서 론
제2장 식품소비 관련 조사 및 연구 현황
제3장 외국의 식품소비 관련 조사현황과 시사점
제4장 소비자 조사항목 구성
제5장 식품소비행태 조사방법 구상
제6장 식품소비행태조사 추진계획
식품소비행태조사 기초연구 - 조사항목 및 조사방법을 중심으로
발간물 유형
KREI 보고서
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