본 연구는 주요 전통식품인 김치, 장류, 전통주, 떡, 녹차 산업의 현황을 살펴보고 각 산업이 직면한 문제점을 분석하여 전통식품산업의 활성화 방안 도출이 목적이다.
이를 위해 전통식품산업 현황을 살펴보고 국내‧외 전통식품산업 관련 정책을 검토하였다. 주요 전통식품인 김치, 장류, 전통주, 떡, 녹차 산업에 대해 현황과 문제점을 원료, 시장, 판매 및 유통 단계로 나누어 살펴보았다. 또한 각 산업별 실제 전통식품업체들의 사례도 함께 제시하여 이해를 돕고자 하였다.
이 연구에서는 전통식품산업이 발전하기 위해서 첫째, 전통식품 개념의 확대 및 유연한 적용, 둘째, 국내 농업과의 연계성 강화를 통한 안정적인 원료 확보, 셋째, 식품안전 및 위생을 강화한 고품질 가공체계 구축, 넷째, 전통식품 소비 확대, 다섯째, 거버넌스 강화, 마지막으로 6차 산업화와 연계한 다각화접근이 필요하다고 하였다. The purpose of this study is to examine the present situation of the major Korean traditional food industries including Kimchi, traditional sauce(pepper paste, soybean paste, soy sauce, etc.), traditional liquor, rice cake, and green tea, analyze the problems of each industry, and draw the methods of vitalizing the industries.
It focuses on major traditional food industries, Kimchi, traditional sauce, traditional liquor, rice cake, and green tea industries, to analyze the present situation and problems of each industry at each stage of production such as procuring ingredients, producing, marketing and sales. It also presented cases of traditional food companies of each industry to enhance understanding. Last, it suggested concrete and detailed methods for vitalizing the traditional food industries as solution for current issues.
The problems of the industries are as follows. First, the legal boundary of traditional food is so strict and narrow that it is hard to respond to current issues of the market. Second, securing domestic ingredients and fluctuations in price are another problem. Third, companies should bear the heavy burden of new investment in facilities to respond to reinforced food sanitation control. Most of Korean traditional food companies are small businesses and cannot invest enough in preparing HACCP certification. Fourth, with the growing concern in low sodium issue, consumption is expected to decrease. In case of fermented foods, especially Kimchi and traditional sauce, salt is necessary in preservation. However, recent low sodium issue might result in decrease in the consumption of Kimchi and traditional sauce. Last, due to the consumers’ low awareness of traditional food, the market has barely been expanded.
To develop the traditional food industries, it is needed to expand and flexibly apply the concept of traditional food; ensure a stable supply of raw materials by strengthening the link with domestic agriculture; establish a high quality processing system by improving food safety and hygiene; expand traditional food consumption; enhance governance; and diversify approaches connected to the 6th industrialization.
Researchers: Yong-lyoul KIM, Jong-sun KIM, Woo-tae KIM
Research period: 2013. 8. - 2013. 12.
E-mail address: kimyl@krei.re.kr
제1장 서론
제2장 전통식품의 개념과 분류
제3장 국내·외 전통식품산업 관련 정책
제4장 김치산업의 실태와 문제점
제5장 장류산업의 실태와 문제점
제6장 전통주산업의 실태와 문제점
제7장 떡산업의 실태와 문제점
제8장 녹차산업의 실태와 문제점
제9장 전통식품산업 활성화 방안