Korea Rural Economic Institue

지방자치단체의 농가 소득지원 실태와 정책과제

영문 제목
A Study on Farm-household Income Support Policy by Local Governments: Current Situation and Policy Implication
박준기;  이두영;  박지연;  임준혁
국가와 지방지차단체는 시장실패를 보완하고 자원 배분의 효율성을 높이기 위해 공공재를 공급하거나 사회 구성원 간 공정한 분배를 위해 다양한 형태의 소득지원사업을 시행한다. 특히, 농업부문은 시장개방과 추곡수매제 폐지 등 정책 전환에 따른 농가 소득 손실 보전을 목적으로 직불제를 도입하여 소득을 지원하고 있으며, 경영안정을 목적으로 정책보험 및 경영비 지원사업을 시행하고 있다.

이 연구는 지자체의 입장에서 소득 및 경영비 지원사업 실태를 분석하고, 내실화를 위한 정책과제를 제시하는 데 목적을 두고 있다. 먼저, 지자체의 예산 운용 원칙에 대한 이론을 검토하고, 농업여건 변화에 따른 농가소득 실태와 현행 지원제도의 특성을 정리하였다. 다음으로는 주요 지자체를 대상으로 소득 및 경영비 지원사업 실태를 분석하고, 사업특성별 문제점을 도출하였다. 또한 농업인과 지자체 공무원을 대상으로 소득지원사업과 농정현안에 대한 인식조사를 실시하여 그 차이를 분석하였다.

지자체의 소득 및 경영비 지원사업 분석결과 나타난 쟁점을 근거로 보다 합리적이고 내실 있는 소득지원사업 시행을 위한 정책과제인 중앙정부와 지자체 간 역할 재정립, 지자체 소득지원사업 추진 방식 전환 방향, 경영비 지원사업의 실효성 제고 방안, 소득지원사업에 대한 시행주체 간 협의체 구성 필요성, 정보지원체계 마련 및 지자체 담당자 역량 제고 방안 등을 제시하였다.

Research Background
Many rural areas are faced with population aging and declining. Also, agricultural profitability has been falling. To solve the problem, local governments have been implementing projects for farms such as the project for income preservation for monetary support and the other to reduce operating costs. Besides, local governments have discussed on the benefits for farmers.
Local governments should provide public services in various forms to solve the problems faced by local areas. However, it is necessary to examine the feasibility of projects to provide support for income and business management implemented by local governments in terms of their original objectives and financial management principles.
This study analyzes the budget planning for the agricultural sector and identifies problems by analyzing the management of financial support projects. Based on the analysis results, this study aims to present policy tasks in terms of restructuring roles among project proponents, rearranging funding and budget management methods, and reinforcing the roles of local governments.

Research Methodology
We first analyzed the farm economy data to find out the level of government subsidies in farm income. Next, to analyze the income support status of local governments, we analyzed the status of income and operation cost support projects using budget data for the municipalities in three metropolitan councils of Chungnam, Jeonnam, and Gyeongnam. The main contents of the analysis were the details of the farm income support project and the operation cost support project, the degree of farm support and the share of the agricultural and rural budget, and the issues and improvement tasks of the current support project were derived.
A quantitative analysis of the impact of additional support for national projects was carried out on the additional support for fixed direct payment for farm and disaster insurance premiums support for farms. We conducted a survey targeting farmers and civil servants for agricultural issues and the preservation of income support projects. Also, we flew to the United States to examine crop disaster insurance and the roles of the federal and state governments.

We organized the issues about support projects and suggested ways to improve the preservation of income and operation support projects.
First, we need to redefine the roles of the central and local governments. Second, in order to cope with income problems of local farmers, it is necessary to select and concentrate on linking the support targets and methods rather than equity. Third, it is necessary to clarify the purpose, method, and target of individual income support projects. Fourth, it is necessary to make a consultation and adjustment system to improve the budget execution efficiency of farm income support projects. Fifth, in order for local governments to play a leading role in supporting farm income and activating local farming, it is necessary to establish a foundation.
As a policy task for local governments to improve their farm income support programs, first, the central government finds projects on a national and equity level. Therefore, local governments should reestablish their roles and conduct their projects to support local farmers.
Second, local governments need to change their farm income support projects. For example, the local governments should reclassify the problem such as the aging population, insufficient funds, lack of farming, and the issue of new entry. Also, they need to reorganize the support system to respond to income and management expenses effectively.
Third, it is necessary to reorganize the way to enhance the effectiveness of the operation support project implemented by local government financial resources. The support method should shift to the preservation of agricultural resources and the environment, such as policies to reduce fertilizers and pesticides.
Fourth, it is necessary to establish a system for consultation and coordination among the stakeholders of farm income support projects. When promoting income support projects between the central and local governments, it is necessary to consider establishing and operating a farm support project coordination committee temoorarily, which has the authority to consult and coordinate.
Lastly, in order to improve the income and operation support projects of local governments, it is necessary to establish the information system. A local agricultural information management system should be in place so that local governments will be able to understand farm problems accurately and carry out projects following local characteristics. Besides, in preparation for the decentralization of power, the government should focus on changes in farm conditions, local issues, and mid- to long-term issues.

Researchers: Park Joonkee, Lee Douyoung, Park Jiyeon, Im Junhyeok
Research period: 2019. 1. ~ 2019. 10.
E-mail address: jkpark@krei.re.kr
제1장 서론
제2장 농업여건 변화와 농가경제에서 정부지원금의 위치
제3장 지자체 농업예산 및 소득지원사업 실태와 시사점
제4장 주요 지자체의 농가 소득지원사업 사례 분석
제5장 지자체의 국고보조사업 추가 지원 영향 분석과 시사점
제6장 농가 소득지원사업 내실화를 위한 정책과제
제7장 요약 및 결론
지방자치단체의 농가 소득지원 실태와 정책 과제
농가 소득지원
발간물 유형
KREI 보고서
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