농림업 분야 중점 협력국별 국제개발협력 전략 수립(3차년도): 6개 국가를 대상으로

영문 제목
International Development Cooperation Strategy in Agriculture and Forestry Sectors for Focus Countries: Myanmar, Indonesia, The Philippines, Lao PDR, Rwanda and Uganda
최근 국정운영 5개년 계획(2017. 7.), 신북방정책(2017. 9.), 신남방정책(2017. 11.) 등 우리 외교의 다변화, 경제적 교류 확대 등을 지향하는 정책이 수립되었으며, 2020 신북방정책전략(2020. 1. 17.) 등 경제협력의 실질적 성과를 높이기 위한 전략이 제시되었다. 이러한 대외협력 정책은 대부분 개도국을 대상으로 하기 때문에 개발협력 차원에서 접근할 필요가 있다.

또한 정부의 농림업 분야 ODA 정책과 해외농업자원개발정책을 지원하기 위한 국가별 심층적, 전략적 연구가 필요하다. 이에 따라 협력대상국의 농림업에 대한 가치사슬과 이해관계자 분석 등을 통해 협력 분야와 협력 우선사업을 발굴하고 민관협력과 민간 부문의 해외진출과도 연계한 국제개발협력 정책이 수립될 필요가 있다.

이 연구는 2018년 1차년도 연구에서 선정된 중점협력국가 중 미얀마, 인도네시아, 필리핀, 라오스, 르완다, 우간다 등 6개국에 대하여 농림업의 현황을 분석하고, 전략적 중점협력 분야를 발굴하며, 중점협력 분야의 가치사슬 또는 주요 이해관계자를 분석하여, 개발협력을 위한 추진 전략을 제시하는 것을 목적으로 한다.
Background and Purpose
○Recently, the government set up policies pursuing diplomatic diversification and economic exchanges, including the five-year national policy (July 2017), the New Northern Policy (September 2017), and the New Southern Policy (November 2017). Besides, it came up with a strategy to raise practical outcomes from economic cooperation, such as the 2020 New Northern Strategy (January 17, 2020). As the overseas cooperation policies target emerging nations, it is necessary to take an approach for development partnership.

○It is also essential to conduct in-depth and strategic research for each country subject to the government’s ODA program and the overseas agricultural resource development program. Accordingly, we need to identify projects with priority for cooperation by analyzing partner nations’ agricultural value chains and stakeholders. It is also necessary to establish an international development partnership program connected to the private sector’s participation.

○This study analyzes the agriculture and forestry of six countries selected for the first year (2018) of our two-year study, including Myanmar, Indonesia, the Philippines, Laos, Rwanda, and Uganda. Based on that, it intends to identify partnership areas, analyze value chains and stakeholders in those areas, and suggest action plans for development partnership.

Research Methodology
○For this study, we referred to country reports and relevant literature from international organizations, such as the World Bank, the International Fund for Agricultural Development, and the Food and Agriculture Organization.

○We also commissioned experts to write on those countries to analyze agricultural value chains (or stakeholders). Besides, each country’s government officials in charge of the agricultural policy, academic specialists, and public organization employees were interviewed for the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) for agricultural value chains and the understanding of on-site demand for development partnership. Based on the result, we suggested action plans for partnership areas for each country.

Key Findings
○To set up development partnership strategies in agriculture and forestry, we first explored each country’s agriculture, related policies, and development partnership status. Based on this, we tried to understand each country’s development demand and reviewed areas feasible for partnerships to select focus areas. Our analysis of agricultural value chains or stakeholders guided us to set up mid to long-term targets and directions for implementation tasks.

○Myanmar has policy demands for improving food security, increasing smallholders’ income, and enhancing agricultural competitiveness. And the focus part of agricultural value chains is cooperation for farmers’ capabilities. Therefore, we set up improving food crop productivity, strengthening capabilities of farm households and organizations, and upgrading farm product processing and distribution systems as partnership areas with priority.

(For more information, please refer to the report.)
제1장 서론
제2장 미얀마
제3장 인도네시아
제4장 필리핀
제5장 라오스
제6장 르완다
제7장 우간다
농림업 분야 중점 협력국별 국제개발협력 전략 수립
발간물 유형
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