Korea Rural Economic Institue

농업분야 다자성 양자원조의 효과적 추진 방안

영문 제목
A Strategy for Enhancing Development Effectiveness of Multi-bilateral Aid in the Agricultural Sector
차원규;  허장;  박차미;  원지은
국제개발협력부문에서 다자성 양자원조는 공여국이 직접 달성하기 힘든 목표를 특정 분야 및 지역에 전문성을 갖춘 국제기구를 통해 수행함으로써 개발효과성을 제고함과 동시에 다자기구의 규모의 경제를 실현할 수 있다는 점에서 큰 장점이 있다. 이에 영국, 미국, 일본 등 주요 공여국을 중심으로 다자성 양자원조와 같은 국제기구를 통한 협력사업의 지원이 확대되고 있다. 이러한 국제사회의 개발원조 동향에 발맞추어 최근에는 국내에도 다양한 분야에서 다자성 양자원조를 활용하고자 하는 노력이 시도되고 있다.

이 연구는 농업분야 다자성 양자의 효과적인 추진 방안을 제시하기 위한 목적으로 수행되었다. 한국 정부가 국제기구와 협력사업을 추진함에 있어 필요한 농업분야 다자성 양자원조의 정책적 추진 방향을 명확히 하고, 중점협력분야 및 중점협력기구 설정을 통해 중장기 추진 전략을 제시하였다.

Background and Purpose
○In recent years, there has been a marked increase in assistance for development cooperation projects through international organizations in the form of multilateral aid or multi-bilateral aid, especially by major donor countries such as the U.K., the U.S., and Japan. The growth in multi-bilateral aid is driven by donor countries’ needs for greater development effectiveness and aid visibility, as well as improved operational efficiency for projects that would fail to deliver the desired outcome via direct bilateral aid due to political, diplomatic or religious reasons or conflicts of interest.

○Multi-bilateral aid has previously focused on emergency relief, basic health services, education, etc. However, recent years have witnessed efforts to deploy the tool to a broader range of sectors, with a strong upward trend in the agricultural sector.

○Despite the rise of multi-bilateral aid in joint projects with international organizations, the concerns for low development effectiveness remain. The fact suggests the need to achieve balanced growth in both quality and quantity by developing an underlying policy direction and implementation strategies for multi-bilateral aid, based on a clear understanding of its concept.

○This study aims to propose measures to cooperate with international organizations to ensure the effective implementation of multi-bilateral aid in the agricultural sector. More specifically, it seeks to establish a policy direction and formulate a mid-to-long-term strategy on multi- bilateral help with well-defined priority partnership areas and partner organizations.

Research Methodology
○Research methods employed in this study include statistical analysis, a literature review, interviews with relevant organizations and experts, a survey of an expert group and commissioned research.

○A review of domestic and international literature and an analysis of statistics on official development assistance (ODA) were conducted to demonstrate the concept of multi-bilateral aid and explore the current status and trends in this type of support both in South Korea and at the international level. We also interviewed policymakers in multi-bilateral aid in the agriculture sector and experts in international development in academia and research institutes.

○Data collected from a survey of experts was analyzed using the AHP and TOPSIS techniques to specify priority areas for cooperation and potential partners for multi-bilateral aid in the agricultural sector.

(For more information, please refer to the report.)
제1장 서론
제2장 농업분야 다자성 양자원조의 현황
제3장 주요 공여국의 농업분야 다자성 양자원조 현황 및 추진체계
제4장 농업분야 주요 다자협력기구 현황 및 특징
제5장 농업분야 다자성 양자원조의 중점협력분야 및 기구 설정
제6장 농업분야 다자성 양자원조의 추진 방향 및 방안
제7장 요약 및 결론
농업분야 다자성양자원조의 효과적 추진방안
다자성; 양자원조
발간물 유형
KREI 보고서
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